
Immersive Certification Program 2024 

Thrive as a People-Focused HR Leader

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18 & 19, 2024


25 & 26, 2024


30 & 31, 2024

Why is there a Need to UPSKILL? 

The accelerated pace of digital transformation and analytics have disrupted the business-as-usual roles and responsibilities in human resource management and leadership. 

To succeed, high-potential HR leaders and aspiring CHROs need to build their identity as strategic business partners to the CEO while leading organizational resilience, growth and transformation. 

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Imperatives for the Year Ahead

AI will change every part of HR—and every role in the company.

Employee Experience will be redefined—employees now in charge.

Companies will accept and adopt hybrid work models.

Human-centered leadership will take center stage.

HR will get pragmatic about the skills-based organization.

Recruiting will become more difficult than ever.

Talent marketplaces, internal mobility, and career pathways will become essential to business growth.

The HR operating model will be reimagined via systemic HR 

Building HR skills and capabilities will become a top priority.

Developing the HR leadership team will be critical to business success.

Autonomous learning platforms will disrupt corporate L&D.

A whole new perspective on the modern-day HR Leader  

HR Leaders influence key business decisions by leveraging their expertise in talent management, employee experience, and organizational strategy.

However, without the right orientation, what suffers is the ability to deliver on talent outcomes which enable business results. We believe that HR Leaders are positioned as strategic advisors who drive organizational success by aligning HR initiatives with business goals and focusing on creating a positive employee experience.

Become a Influential
HR Leader 

Influencing Corporate Strategies
Employee Experience Champion
Consultative Problem-solving  
Technological Savviness
Innovation & Growth Mindset
Persuasion & Influence
Data-driven decision-making
Change Catalyst
A+ Talent Management  

What Is The Programme About?  

The goal of the Next Gen Human Resources Leadership Development Program (HRLDP) is to develop future HR leaders who have a well-rounded understanding of the HR function through robust experiences with breadth, depth and leadership, and through mentorship and development.

Why is this Program important for You ? Disruption has accelerated the evolution of the HR function, not only in terms of responsibilities but also importance to the bottom line.

Today's HR leaders must solve extraordinary challenges that affect how employees interact and work, and in turn, the ability of the organization to deliver. In order to harness a fully empowered workforce, organizations must redefine their relationships with employees and amplify individual strengths.

This requires leaders who can rethink traditional HR models and use human capital to drive business results. In this evolving environment, HR heads are expected to be strategic business partners to CEOs, providing a crucial bridge between the workforce and the organization's goals and objectives.

The Next-Gen Human Resources Leadership Development Program (HRLDP) is developed for HR leaders to focus on evolving changes in human resources and people operations management and gain the skills needed to implement human-centric organizational transformation.

At the end of the Programme, you will emerge ready to navigate disruption and excel as a forward-thinking HR leader in the C-suite.

The program’s comprehensive, multidisciplinary curriculum encompasses all aspects of the HR Leader’s role: from strategy to executive influence. It will equip you to outline clear goals that align with your organization's purpose, culture and social context. You will identify strategies for driving sustainable organizational innovation through trust, creativity and collaboration.

You will also explore methods for inspiring teams and forming alignment in and across the C-suite. While applying emerging frameworks and talent management techniques, you will hone your capabilities to capitalize on opportunities and address challenges, including hiring for strategic expansion, creating and managing culture in the remote workplace and furthering corporate responsibility. 

Learning outcomes
This programme will enable you to:


Apply new frameworks and management techniques to appreciate and address the organizational challenges and opportunities of the 21st century.

Implement new approaches for leading and inspiring a modern workforce

Effectively influence board-level discussions on strategic issues that relate to the people side of the organisation to improve strategic alignment

Design strategies to empower your workforce in a continuously changing world

Critically act on the societal expectations for your organisation and the social responsibilities of the contemporary people officer

Programme highlights


The Programme imparts essential information for you to reinvent the HR function as a value-driver in your organisation. The programme captures cutting-edge academic research in easily actionable frameworks to enable you to build a future-proof human resources and people operations strategy.

The emphasis is on maintaining a small cohort size ensures a personalized learning experience. Furthermore, you will be able to draw on the acumen of our eminent faculty and participate in a face-to-face event to connect with global peers.

Assessments And Leader Board

Participants will be given assessments to test their acquired knowledge during the Course of the session.

This will help you understand the knowledge gap and further assist you in developing a learning path for yourself. Post-work assignments/tasks will be given after each session to enhance your skills on each topic taught during the face to face session.

The leader board scores you against your peers in the learning journey. 

Peer Coaching and Feedback

Learn from high-achieving peers from different industries and build your network You will get a chance to interact, share and exchange ideas with your peers.

You can discuss on-going scenarios, solve doubts, work on assignments and receive valuable feedback from like-minded senior leaders globally.

Course Curriculum

What will you learn 

Understand the Changing World of HRM

Understanding the changing world of Human Resource Management (HRM) involves recognizing the evolving dynamics of the workplace, including shifts in technology, workforce demographics, and organizational priorities. HR professionals must adapt to these changes by embracing new strategies and tools to effectively manage talent, foster employee engagement, and drive organizational success in a rapidly evolving landscape.

The Changing Business Context
New Roles / Gig Economy / Demographics
Technology in HR 

Business and Human Capital Strategy - Strategic HR Leadership

What does it take to be a successful HR Leader Today? Strategic HR leadership in the new world of work involves navigating unprecedented challenges and opportunities brought about by technological advancements, changing workforce dynamics, and evolving organizational needs.

HR leaders play a critical role in shaping the future of work by aligning HR strategies with business objectives, fostering a culture of agility and innovation, and driving initiatives to attract, develop, and retain top talent in a rapidly changing environment.

Strategic HRM and The Modern HR Landscape
Business Strategies for Growth
Execution and Impact of Strategic Initiatives
Corporate level Strategies
Design Human Capital Strategy 

Financial Acumen for People Leadership

Financial acumen for people leadership involves understanding and applying financial principles to make informed decisions and drive organizational success.

HR leaders with strong financial acumen can effectively manage human capital investments, optimize HR budgets, and align people strategies with business objectives, ultimately contributing to improved organizational performance and profitability. 

Strategic Alignment 
Understanding Financial Statements
Financial Planning, Budgeting, and Forecasting
Influencing and Collaborating with Finance Function
Cost Management and Control for Decision Making -Resource Optimization:
HR Challenges in Corporate Restructuring, Expansion, &Turnaround Management Performance Measurement: Discuss the role of financial metrics in measuring the effectiveness and impact of HR initiatives 

Data Driven Decision Making

Accelerated Adoption of Analytics and AI Technology

The session will focus on how organizations are using analytics to guide HR decision-making. It will cover several examples of HR analytics in action, discuss common obstacles and how to address them, and review key frameworks. reasons to embrace digital transformation.

Equipped with a foundational understanding of people analytics, participants will be positioned to rigorously examine common HR challenges related to hiring top talent. Engaging the workforce, managing retention, and more.

Examine the role of analytics in HR today, in producing insights, solving problems, and evaluating solutions/progress.

Identify and address the common challenges that HR faces in being data-driven to build HR capabilities.

Decide where to focus personally and as an organization and how to move forward with the help of a framework.

Talent Strategy and Employee Experience

This session will examine current trends and challenges in the field of talent development. It will present a talent development framework and use several case studies to assess how the dimensions are currently being applied within organizations.

Understanding Employee Needs and Wants
Developing Future Leaders and enabling New-Age talent ecosystems Performance Management and Employee Experience
Reskilling and Upskilling the Workforce 

Organizational Design and Change Leadership

Organizational Design and Change Leadership are integral components of effective management in today's dynamic business environment. Organizational design focuses on structuring the company to achieve its goals efficiently, while change leadership involves guiding employees through transitions to ensure successful adaptation to new processes, structures, or strategies.

Effective leadership in these areas requires a deep understanding of organizational dynamics, stakeholder engagement, and strategic alignment to drive sustainable change and organizational effectiveness.

Understanding the importance of organizational design in optimizing efficiency, collaboration, and innovation within the company.

Hybrid and Agile Organization Design and Structure.

Handling Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Decision Making.

Leadership and Emotional Intelligence.

HR Leaders as a catalyst of Change and Transformation.

Leading Modern Workplace ecosystems 

Consultative Approach to HR

A consultative approach to Human Resources (HR) involves adopting a collaborative and strategic mindset to address organizational challenges and opportunities effectively.

HR professionals who embrace this approach act as trusted advisors to business leaders, leveraging their expertise to provide data-driven insights, innovative solutions, and actionable recommendations that drive business success and enhance employee engagement and productivity.

Design Thinking - Providing Innovative solutions

Applying Design Thinking principles to Human Resources (HR) involves taking a human-cantered approach to solving HR challenges and enhancing employee experiences within organizations. By empathizing with employees, defining their needs, ideating innovative solutions, prototyping interventions, and testing iterations, HR professionals can create more impactful HR programs and initiatives that address the unique needs and preferences of employees while driving organizational success..

Empathy and Understanding: Discuss the importance of empathizing with employees to gain deep insights into their experiences, pain points, and aspirations. By understanding employee perspectives, HR professionals can design HR solutions that are truly user-centric and resonate with the workforce.

Co-creation and Collaboration: Explore the benefits of involving employees in the design process through co-creation and collaboration. By inviting input and feedback from employees at various stages of the design process, HR teams can ensure that solutions are relevant, meaningful, and aligned with employee expectations.

Iterative and Agile Approach: Highlight the value of adopting an iterative and agile approach to HR design. By prototyping solutions, testing them in real-world scenarios, gathering feedback, and making adjustments based on insights gained, HR professionals can continuously refine and improve HR programs and initiatives to meet evolving employee needs and business objectives.

Negotiation Skills for HR - Win – Win 

Negotiation skills are essential for HR professionals to navigate various aspects of their roles, including recruitment, compensation, conflict resolution, and employee relations. Developing effective negotiation skills enables HR professionals to advocate for the interests of both the organization and its employees, foster constructive dialogue, and achieve mutually beneficial outcomes. 

Understanding Stakeholder Needs: Emphasize the importance of understanding the needs and priorities of all parties involved in HR negotiations, including employees, managers, and organizational leaders. By conducting thorough research and actively listening to stakeholders, HR professionals can identify common ground and areas for compromise to facilitate successful negotiations.

Building Rapport and Trust: Discuss the role of building rapport and trust in establishing a positive negotiation environment. By cultivating open and transparent communication, demonstrating empathy, and fostering a collaborative atmosphere, HR professionals can build trust with stakeholders and lay the foundation for productive negotiations.

Creative Problem-Solving: Highlight the value of employing creative problem-solving techniques to overcome obstacles and reach mutually satisfactory agreements. Encourage HR professionals to explore alternative solutions, brainstorm innovative ideas, and think outside the box to address complex HR issues and find win-win solutions for all parties involved.  

HR as a Business Entity 

Treating Human Resources (HR) as a business entity involves adopting a strategic and value-driven approach to HR management, where HR functions are viewed as integral contributors to organizational success. By aligning HR strategies with business objectives, focusing on data-driven decision-making, and demonstrating the impact of HR initiatives on the bottom line, HR departments can elevate their role from a support function to a strategic partner that drives business outcomes. 

Strategic Alignment: Emphasize the importance of aligning HR initiatives with broader organizational goals and objectives.

Metrics and Measurement: Discuss the significance of leveraging data and metrics to measure the effectiveness and impact of HR initiatives.

Value Proposition: Explore how HR departments can articulate their value proposition as a business entity within the organization. 

Compensation and Benefits - Total Rewards Strategy 


Components of Total Rewards: Benefits, Compensation, Work Environment, Capability Growth

Pay Elements: Approach, Parity, Positioning, Delivery and Mix

Alignments of Rewards Strategy to core value discipline of business  

Learning Outcomes :

Leverage the Total Rewards framework to attract, motivate and retain talent

Identify gaps in current programs against rewards strategy

Optimize rewards strategy to drive high performance in the organization 

C-Suite Leadership / Self-Leadership

Reimagine leadership in an age of disruption

Learn how to be an influential leader at work

Develop your leadership journey

Learn to find meaning at work through job crafting

Drive mindset transformation at the workplace

Usher in the new-age HR Leader

Global HR Leadership

Gain diverse perspectives of global HR leadership

Discover competencies of future global HR leaders

Understand the role of cross-cultural intelligence

Overcome challenges and gain insights into cross-border people management

Re-imagining HR - The Future is Now

Future of Work

Agile HR

Social Media and Employer Branding

Gain an understanding of the Future of Work in a Post COVID' B.A.N.I’ (Brittle Anxious Non-Linear Interconnected) world.

Deep dive into organization design considerations and choices (Work-from-Office/ Home/Anywhere), and hybrid work .

How to make hybrid work, work

Learn how to collaborate, manage, and lead people in the virtual world 


Cost Per Participant INR 19,750 + GST as Applicable

Discount's & Offer's


Register & Pay By MAY 31, 2024
& SAVE 10%
on the Registration Fees


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